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My name is Brian Flieck I am a student at Univeristy at Penn Full Stack develpement boot camp.
please feel free to reach out to me

Vinyl Addict Screen Shot
Vinyl Addict

Groupt Project 2: Vinyl Addict, a site for collectors of vinyl records to post msucisal finds and dicuss

Refector Horriseon Screen Shot
Refactor Horiseon

Update the Horriseon website with updated HTML elements, fixing some CSS and adjusting ID and Class names

Open weather app screen shot
Open Weather API

I crated a simple page that allows users to input their city, and call out to the open weather API, to return current weather condictions as well as a 5 day forecast

CineFile screenshot

A group project to create working app using two API's and local stroage. This app searchs 'The Movie Database' and 'IMDB-api' to gather movie data, and display them to the user

9 to 6 daily planner screens shot
9-6 daily planner

This is a javascript/Jquery daily planner that allows the user to create entrys into the planner based on the time of the day.
